Dorn Spinal Method & Breuss Massage
The DORN Method is a holistic therapy and simple self-help method for the gentle and safe correction of misalignments in the spine, the pelvis, and other joints. It consists of a range of unique manual techniques to help joints and vertebrae gently slip back into their natural position without clicking, high impact, or harsh techniques. Instead, we use natural body movements to allow gentle and safe manipulation. DORN allows for the ideal function of organs, energy flow, joints, and a balanced emotional state. DORN Method is used in conjunction with Breuss Massage, and we recommend between 2 or 3 sessions for the best results.
The Breuss massage is a wonderful and gentle intervertebral disc massage that compliments a Dorn treatment. It can also be done as a fantastic healing method on its own to nourish, regenerate, energize, and rejuvenate the spine. Breuss is an energetic gentle manual massage along the spine to dissolve physical, energetic, and emotional blockages. This is a wonderful way to soothe inflammation and prepare the spine for DORN Method.
The Dorn Method is used to help treat the following health problems and spine-related conditions:
*Back, neck, hip, and shoulder pain
*Other joint-related injuries such as knee, ankle, elbow, and jaw pain
*Headaches, migraines, and sinusitis
*Sciatica and herniated discs (post acute stage)
*Leg length discrepancies and pelvic imbalances
*Constipation, cystitis, and irritable bowel syndrome
*Colic, infertility, and asthma
*Depression and anxiety
*Tinnitus and Vertigo
*Poor posture and common injuries
A healthy spine plays an important role in our well-being. If you think of the spine as our core with all our essential nerves, life force, and energy lines running through it, it makes sense to take care of an aligned and balanced skeleton.
What to expect during a session
A Dorn session will start with a gentle Breuss massage to warm the spine and soothe any inflammation. Through gentle movement combined with the Dorn technique, we’ll work through the joints and spine, re-aligning where necessary. Participants can remain fully clothed while some wish to remove their upper garments. Your practitioner will require direct contact with the part of the spine they are working with, therefore, it is recommended that a comfortable shirt, bra, or camisole be worn to allow for easy access to the vertebrae.
Why is spinal alignment important?
Misalignments in the spine negatively affect our bones, joints, and muscles and deeply impacts our general well-being. The function of the spine is not only to keep us upright but hold and protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the conduit that connects our nervous system to our brain. Most of our functions and movements depend heavily on the spinal cord, meaning it should come as no surprise that issues with the spine can drain our overall energy levels. If the spine is out of alignment, the rest of the body needs to work that much harder to maintain proper posture and balance throughout.
Dorn is applicable to all ages.
Not suitable for those recovering from major surgery/recent accidents, anyone experiencing paralysis, or those with any open wounds, certain skin conditions, or bone fractures. Please check with your doctor first if you are pregnant.
For further info visit https://www.dornmethodsa.com
To find out more, how to prepare for a session, or to book a session please enquire via email or WhatsApp.